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Getting Most Recent Pages


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function newsList(){
	// Grab the page name from the url
	$thisCategory = wire("page")->name;
	// If the category is not called "news" then output the category name as a selector for the find.
	if($thisCategory !="news") {
		$category = "article_category.name=" . $thisCategory;
	// Get the news posts - limited to ten for later pagination
	$newsposts = wire("pages")->find("parent=/news-articles/, $category, template=TUT_news, limit=3");
	$out =" ";
	//Loop through the pages
	foreach($newsposts as $newspost){
		$out .="<div class='clearfix'>";
			$out .="<a href='{$newspost->article_thumbnails->url}' class=''>";
			$out .="<img class='align_left' src='{$newspost->article_thumbnails->getThumb(listingthumb)}'>";
			$out .="</a>";
		$out .="<a href='{$newspost->url}'><h3>{$newspost->title}</h3></a>";
		$out .="<p>{$newspost->article_introtext}</p>";
		$out .="</div>";

	echo $out;

I'm trying to use this code to get the most recent pages created and display them. I found this code on the wiki, but how would I make it display the most recent ones instead of the oldest ones?

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