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Problems to call an image field


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I follow the instructions on this site how to deal with Image fields:

I generateed an field with the Name "themeimage" as type IMAGE,

I put it to the template,

and I put this code to the template file:

if($page->themeimage) echo "<img src='{$page->themeimage->url}'>";

I load up an Image inside the page but the image do not apear?!

This is what it renders out:

 <img src='/dev/site/assets/files/1/'>
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This is a recurring issue for those new to PW. Your images field is by default set to handle more than one image, so you can either change it to only support one image, or you need to define which image from the field you want to display:

if($page->themeimage) echo "<img src='{$page->themeimage->first()->url}'>";

Or replace first() with last() or eq(n) where n is the number of the image in the order, starting with 0.

To change the image field to only support one image, go to the field's details tab and change Maximum files allowed to: 1

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