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wireEncodeJSON removes opening 0 from contact number


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We're pushing a few fields to JSON and were looking to use wireEncodeJSON to remove empty values. Just found an issue with the treatment of numbers. As they are interpreted as integers the prepending 0 is stripped. i.e.

0800 1234


800 1234

we've moved over to using json_encode for now which is fine, just wanted to see if this was a neccessary behaviour.

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In my quick test it works as it should. Maybe I don't understand.

088 1234 isnt a number but s string because of the space.

$value = array('test' => '088 1234', 'empty' => '');
{"test":"088 1234"}
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We're getting the phone number from a text input:

$field = $modules->get("InputfieldText");

once submitted we're processing the form:


Sanitising the inputs, and then whitelisting the values using: $input->whitelist() along with returning a JSON version using wireEncodeJSON()

The whitelisted version is outputting correctly with the 0, the wireEncodeJSON version drops it. I assume it's because it is passing it from the input as an integer whereas in your test it's a string. Might this be the case?

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Works fine here:

$form = $modules->get("InputfieldForm");
$form->action = "./";
$f = $modules->get("InputfieldText");
$f = $modules->get("InputfieldSubmit");

  $input->whitelist('phone', $form->get("phone")->value);
  print_r(wireEncodeJSON(array('phone' => $input->whitelist('phone') )));
echo $form->render();

Outputs:  {"phone":"0888 1234"}

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I would guess that wireEncodeJSON() is converting your string value to an integer. It will do this if the value matches ctype_digit("$value"); That means a value like "0888" would get converted to an integer of 888. But a value of "0888 1234" would not, as it contains a space. In your case, I'd stick with the regular json_encode(). wireEncodeJSON() was made for saving module and field configuration settings, where we wanted to remove settings that had blank values in the name of space savings. If you also want that capability, but wireEncodeJSON() doesn't do it exactly how you want, you may want to copy the function out of /wire/core/Functions.php and into your own (named differently) in /site/templates/includes/functions.php (or something like that). You probably want to make adjustments to the line that converts it to an integer. 

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