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Need Help in FieldTypePage


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I got some strange problem need help. I have two template order and customer , order has customer FieldTypePage. When I want to retrieve the customer information ...............

$orders = $pages->get('/orders/');
foreach($orders as $order){
$c = $order->customer;
$cp = $pages->get($c);
echo $c.'/'.$cp->title.'</br>';




but when I put $pages->get(1042); I got correct ans. Thanks............

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I am not sure on your page structure, but looking at your code in more detail, do you need to do something like:

$orders = $pages->get('/orders/')->children();

or if this code is in the orders page template, then you could just do:

$orders = $page->children();

At the moment your ->get will only return one page - the orders parent.

Also, did you try the ->first()->title option?

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->first() This works but I don't Understand why.

$orders = $page->children();

foreach($orders as $order){
$c = $order->customer;  //$c = $order->customer->first();  works $order->customer why return pagearray I have only one page linkd
$cp = $pages->get($c);
echo $cp->title.'</br>';

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Because in the details tab of the customer field you must have it set to "Multiple Pages". Change it to a single option and you won't need first() anymore. You should only have it set to multiple if you want multiple customers assigned to each order.

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