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Unable to log in to admin with Win XP


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Hey everyone,

I've found multiple threads about not being able to log in to the admin, but none seem (to me, a newbie) to be the same problem that I'm having.

I am able to log in to /processwire and work perfectly from my main computer running Windows 7 without fail every time. But, when I try to log in with my computer that is running XP I sometimes get the log in screen, enter the credentials, wait a few seconds, and then get a message that the page could not be connected (not a page not found or anything, just "could not connect to that page"). And sometimes I can't even load the log in page (again, same "couldn't not connect" message). This happens with either Chrome or IE, but only on the XP computer.

Any thoughts?


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Welcome to the forums.

Those problems with XP computer seems to be network problems. Does all other sites work ok from that computer?

Also one possible solution (probably not in this case but might be worth trying) is to modify /site/config.php and set $config->sessionFingerprint = false; This will keep you logged in even if you have dynamic IP address. 

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