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./site/config.php must be writable?


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I'm trying to install another copy of processwire, this time I replaced some files with the BootWire files.

Since my FTP was being incapable (extremely slow and not uploading all files correctly) I wiped everything then used cPanel to upload a zipfile instead. 

After extracting, on the first install page I'm getting  "Error: File ./site/config.php must be writable. Please adjust the permissions before continuing."

What file should I change permissions for to fix this? I've played around with the file permissiosn for multiple folders and files but with no luck. 

What permission should I set the file? Will 755 do? 

Thanks for any help!

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Hi ShaltNot

Not too sure if this will help you, but I was arrangin some files whilst setting up a site and I got the same error you did!!

I was spending ages trying to figure out what the f*** was wrong with the files permission.

It turns out I put config.php in the wrong place!!! In other words... the error could also mean ProcessWire can't find the file.

So check to make sure that config.php is actually where its supposed to be !!!

Ryan... if your reading this, maybe you could revise the error message to indicate that in addition to wrong permissions, you should check it's located in the right place.


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Oh, huh. So where was it in the wrong place? I'm actually not sure which file is ./site/config.php ... because in my site folder there is no config.php.... Is that the problem in itself? I found a config.php and index.config.php in my "wire" folder, but not my "site" folder. 

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Oh, it was the case that config.php did not exist in my site folder. I have no idea how that file disappeared in the process of extracting and uploading. But basically I extracted the original processwire zip file again and found that there did exist a config.php in the site folder. 

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