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getLanguageValue and Repeater


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Hi, I have read in a thread that one can access other language versions from a LanguageTextfield with


Unfortunately it doesn't work when the LanguageField is within a Repeater.

Is this, because the class that serves the getLanguageValue function is LanguagesPageFieldValue , and within a Repeater a Textfield isn't a PageField?

And is there a alternative solution ?

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It actually shouldn't matter whether it's in a repeater or not. Repeaters don't change the type of any fields. But your code above has "->->" which looks like a typo? The nice thing about repeaters is that they really aren't anything more than a regular PageArray like any other. 

And is there a alternative solution ?

An alternative is to set $user->language to the language you want the field to return its value in, before you retrieve the value. Then return $user->language back to the language it was before. 

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