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Page Edit Fold Status Module, Custom Admin themes and PW v2.3+ issue


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I am using Page Edit Fold Status module, Moderna admin theme and Processwire v2.3.

The issue is that when I click on the top save button on any page, my edits don't get saved. If I deactivate Page Edit Fold Status module, the top save button works. If revert to the default admin theme and the Page Edit Fold Status module is activated, the top save button also works. Now, I've also tried using the Ergo admin theme http://modules.processwire.com/modules/ergo-admin-template/ and the same thing happens.

Now, I understand that both Moderna and Ergo have compatibility up to Processwire 2.2 only.

I'm guessing that the combination of PW v2.3, custom admin themes compatible only to v2.2 and Page Edit Fold Status module is causing this issue.

So, my question is, what's new in PW2.3 that could be affecting the top save button when I use these custom themes and the module? More importantly, what can I do to fix this or at least which file should I be looking at?

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Have you checked to see if any JS errors are occurring? Since the top save button is started up via JS, it makes me wonder if some JS failed (perhaps from PageEditFoldStatus) and prevented execution of the code that initializes the top save button. 

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