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Q about Form Builder


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Hi! I plan to build complex input form that:

- will have dependable select fields, processed through ajax, e.g. address (country->region->city)

- will have nested sub-forms, opened by click in modal window

- will have custom CSS design

Comparable example of input form and how it is processed - Facebook edit profile page. 

Would you recommend to use Form Builder for such kind of input form development or it is better to write something from the scratch?

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Hi Valan

I'll preempt this by saying that I believe it may be possible to achieve in FormBuilder, though in Ryan's own words, Form Builder is a tool for making simple forms much much quicker to make rather than for coding more complex forms.

I'd be tempted to make this myself to have more control let me know if you need any help.

Perhaps Ryan or others may comment on this to confirm the possibility of using FB.

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will have dependable select fields, processed through ajax, e.g. address (country->region->city)

Field dependencies are coming to ProcessWire and FormBuilder later this year, though won't be ajax driven. 

will have nested sub-forms, opened by click in modal window

This probably would not be a good use case for FormBuilder. 

will have custom CSS design

You can create your own themes with FormBuilder. They are based upon jQuery UI's theme framework. 

Would you recommend to use Form Builder for such kind of input form development or it is better to write something from the scratch?

What you are talking about sounds pretty custom, and seems to me more like something one would build from markup rather than with a form building tool.

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