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Markdown formatter bug?


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I ran into a strange problem to do with checking if a field is empty and then rendering content or not. Having poked around a bit it seems to me that the Markdown Extra formatter is actually outputting a string with a single space in it when I have no content in that field in the CMS.

This meant that, in the context of my TWIG-powered templates, when I was checking for a non-empty field, it was returning false and still rendering something.

Can anyone confirm this for me?  I have a textarea field with a single Markdown Extra formatter.  When I enter nothing and save, then I var_dump() the field in my PHP code, I get a 1-character empty string.

Thanks in advance!

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I tried adding paragraph stripper formatter after markdown, and before, it made no difference at all.  There is an empty space at the end of whatever is generated, with or without any extra fomatters.

I guess I'll just have to work around it.

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