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Current Local Development Setup


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Hi all,

I'm tickled with my new local dev setup, and I thought I'd share in case anyone else wants to try it out or offer suggestions for improvements.

Prerequisites: I'm using a Mac running OS X Mountain Lion.

1. Install Homebrew

2. MAMP + dnsmasq (http://eddmann.com/posts/the-ultimate-mamp-setup-hands-down/ and http://www.echoditto.com/blog/never-touch-your-local-etchosts-file-os-x-again)*

* There is currently a typo in the first link's instructions. You need to use address=/.dev/ in /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf (note the dot in .dev for TLD).

I add Homebrew's PHP to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf like so:

LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/opt/php54/libexec/apache2/libphp5.so

Then issue a sudo apachectl restart.

The first time I hit a new site locally, I need to type the full http://mysite.dev to stop Safari, e.g., from searching Google rather than navigating to the URL. After that it remembers and all is well.

3. Install git vie homebrew and configure; create repos on BitBucket for remote storage. Use git submodules (planned) for ProcessWire and other components, like Bootstrap. I make a "live" branch that I can pull to the server when I'm ready, and other branches as needed.

I'm shuffling local tools at the moment, but using TextMate 2 as a primary editor and thinking of CodeKit for browser refresh and LESS/Sass compilation. Wish CSSEdit hadn't been killed as a stand alone product instead of being wrapped into Espresso.

On the browsers I'm using a mix of FireFox with Firebug and FireSass, Google Chrome with dev tools, and Safari.

I think that's it, so far!

EDIT: I did need to uncomment the RewriteBase / option in .htaccess

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I'm not totally clear about exactly what Homebrew is, but I love the name. 

Well, it's a package manager for OSX. You may have heard of MacPorts, which is similar. Basically, Homebrew makes it easy to install software which is neither included in OSX nor available in the AppStore. For instance, I use it to install (and update) node.js.

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