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Automatic name and title?


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Is there a way to automatically create the title and the name of a page from the content of two fields?
I have the problem that the editor usually has to enter the same thing in the title field as in these two fields.

What is the easiest way? Or is there perhaps a module?

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You can use FieldtypeConcat, or do it with a hook.



	// Merge First and Surname for Title and Name
	if($page->template == 'some-template') {
		// Don't change name field if page is going to trash
		if(!$page->isTrash) {
			// If the fields that make up the title are populated
			if($page->first_name && $page->surname) {
				// Set the title
				$page->title = "{$page->first_name} {$page->surname}";
				// Sanitize the title as a page name
				$name = $event->wire()->sanitizer->pageName($page->title, true);
				// Set the page name while making sure it auto-increments if there is a sibling page with the same title
				$page->name = $pages->names()->uniquePageName($name, $page);


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