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Download older version 2.7 ?


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I need to take care of a website that uses an old version of ProcessWire.

The website needs to move to a new server.

I have read that you have to install the software first and then transfer the data. Is this correct?

Where can I download an old version 2.7?



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Why don’t you just move the files and the database? You don’t need to make a fresh install.
Unlike WordPress, the database can be moved as it is.
Then you have to change the DB config in the /site/config.php file.
Be sure to check if the old version of PW works with the new PHP version.

Edited by TomPich
add some advices
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I have transferred all files including the database.
I have entered the access data for the database.
The PHP version is the same.
I get a 500 server error.

Don't server paths have to be adjusted somewhere?

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I get the following error

Error:     Exception: load error: failed to find /var/www/XXXXXXXX/htdocs/site/templates/composition/html/styles/compile.less (in /usr/www/users/XXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX/site/templates/composition/lessphp/lessc.inc.php line 1818)

The old server path looks like this:

The new one, like this:

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