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Attepting to Fetch Pages Based Off of Field Match in Latte Filter


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Hello PW forums,

I have an interesting problem I am trying to solve. I am displaying a list of artists, that are children of the parent page Artists.

{foreach $pages->get("name=artists")->children() as $item}

These children pages act as tags for other pages which have a field 'artist', and are appropriately tagged.
I am trying to send the link's href attribute to the latest project page for that artist, rather than the default, which is a sort of artist index page listing all the projects for that artist.

<a href="{$pages->get('template=concert-visuals|broadcast|music-videos, artist.name={$item->name}')->first->url}"> 

I can't seem to fetch anything. What am I missing here ?

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  • protro changed the title to Attepting to Fetch Pages Based Off of Field Match in Latte Filter

First thing to check is if your $pages->get() call works at all. For example in the tracy console. You are using $pages->get() which will return a single Page object (or NullPage), so your ->first is wrong, i guess.

Next, I think you can't use { } brackets inside { } brackets when you are outputting a string. This will NOT work:

{var $item = $pages->get(2)}
<a href="{$pages->get("name={$item->name}")->url}">

This will work:

{var $item = $pages->get(2)}
{var $url = $pages->get("name={$item->name}")->url}
<a href="{$url}">

And this is what I'd recommend you to do:

Create a Site.module.php in /site/modules/Site


namespace ProcessWire;

// expose the site module as global site() function
function site(): Site
  return wire()->modules->get('Site');

// module code
class Site extends WireData implements Module

  public static function getModuleInfo()
    return [
      'title' => 'Site',
      'version' => '0.0.1',
      'summary' => 'Site Module',
      'autoload' => true,
      'singular' => true,
      'icon' => 'bolt',
      'requires' => [

Then add the following method:

public function getShowByArtist(Page $item) {
  return wire()->pages->get('template=concert-visuals|broadcast|music-videos, artist.name={$item->name}');

Which cleans up your template a lot and will help you to write better (DRY) code, as you have one place to store the logic. If you need the same link url in another place of your website you simple call the same method and not copy paste the selector. If the selector changes over time (for example adding another template to the selector) all your links will still work by only updating one place in your code (and not many).

<a href="{site()->getShowByArtist($item)->url}"> 

Or even better use Custom Page Classes and add the getShowByArtist method directly to your $page object.

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