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Checkbox Reversed – select all pages where a checkbox is checked


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Hi all,

when using the following selector, ProcessWire finds all pages, not only those with the CheckboxReversed "checkbox_export" checked.

$ps = pages()->find('checkbox_export!=1, sort=id, include=hidden, status<' . Page::statusTrash);
foreach($ps as $p){

As a workaround I added the following condition:

$ps = pages()->find('checkbox_export!=1, sort=id, include=hidden, status<' . Page::statusTrash);
foreach($ps as $p){
    if ($p->hasField('checkbox_export')) var_dump($p->title);   

I wonder if there is any "native" selector technique, where you can check if a field exists on a page. Something like "has_field", but that does not exists. At least I found nothing in the docs.

Does anyone know the trick, if there is any?

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