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Got a 501 error on field deletion


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I have a weird habit of sometimes typing a cap on the first letter of field names. I usually catch it because I've had problems with that in the past but I didn't catch it this time.

So I created a new field and with a capital and saved. I noticed it, and having not used the field in any templates yet decided I could delete the field and re-do in lowercase. I got a 501 Not Implemented server error and it won't delete. Is there a way around it? If I drop the table in phpmyadmin will it be removed from pw?

It's installed on a litespeed server. Any help would be very appreciated.

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I panicked unnecessarily.

It's definitely a problem, the field in pw has a cap but in phpmyAdmin it's showing lowercase and that seems to cause trouble. I dropped the table field_daily_specials and deleted it from the fields table and it fixed things. I recreated daily_specials in lowercase and it's hunky dory now.

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OK. I got another 501 error. I created a textarea field (lowercase) and tried to add an hr option to the tinyMCE advanced options. I've done it before without problem but here it gave me the error "The requested method is not implemented by the server" when I tried to save.

The host has only recently moved to litespeed servers.

Edit: I just want to mention this isn't really a call for help. I added the element I wanted using phpMyAdmin so it's all good. I could have also added it right into the tinyMCE module. I'm just reporting this as a possible incompatibility with LiteSpeed Servers for anyone else with an pw install on litespeed.


Edited by digitex
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ProcessWire doesn't output any 501s, so those are most likely getting sent from the web server before PW even gets a chance to boot. If you were running Apache, I'd say the first thing to look at would be mod_security meddling in requests. But since you aren't using Apache, maybe there's something like mod_security that is blocking certain patterns/combinations of requests that it thinks look suspicious? That would be my best guess anyway. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

ProcessWire doesn't output any 501s, so those are most likely getting sent from the web server before PW even gets a chance to boot. If you were running Apache, I'd say the first thing to look at would be mod_security meddling in requests. But since you aren't using Apache, maybe there's something like mod_security that is blocking certain patterns/combinations of requests that it thinks look suspicious? That would be my best guess anyway. 

Your best guess is a good one. It was a mod_security problem. It only started happening after the host switched from Apache to LiteSpeed so I made the leap it was an incompatibility with litespeed but it may have only been a result of how the server was configured. They commented out the mod_security rule and things went back to normal.

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