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Trying to link to a specific place on another page

Charlie W

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I have a page that lists products for a lumber manufacturer; I'll call the manufacturer "Acme" for this example.  Acme's products include both decking lumber and siding lumber.  On the menu, when the user selects "siding", I need to load the page that lists the decking lumber and then the siding lumber and jump to the first siding product.  Pretty straightforward...I have an <a id="siding">...</a> tag on the target page.  The menu link target is "acme#siding", but when the URL gets rendered in Processwire, it changes it to "acme/#siding" (with the slash).  I'm not sure how to get the result I am looking for.  Any help is appreciated.

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@Charlie W your question ist not directly related to processwire. You would get or find an answer more quickly on stackoverflow. Or just ask chatgpt, claude, …

acme/#sliding is correct. Just make sure that you do not have multiple elements with the same id.
Then you link <a href='#siding>siding</a> should get you to your target <div id='siding'></div>

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