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Activitypub × Processwire


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This is a very uninterested question, as I am just curious about this topic.

Is there any dynamic towards a possible integration of Activitypub with Processwire? Would it be possible to create sites and app with PW that can interact with the fediverse? This could be a plugin able to federate with the network (just like this wp plugin does), or maybe a deeper integration (retrieve specific content from other federations…).

I am personally using Mastodon and Peertube a lot since 5+ years and I think this is a great part of what remains of the cool Internet. I also feel an important technical gap between building website and creating federated apps, maybe for a good reason! I am interested to know your thoughts,

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This is something I have had on my “things I’d like to do” list for a while now...

I left Twitter some years ago and wanted to switch to Mastodon, but after learning how this is based on a (supposedly) web standard I wanted to have a look and try to implement my own thing, based on PW of course. I do feel as well that there is a gap and I would love it if it could be as simple as installing a module. From what I’m seeing the wordpress plugin does it really well and would definitely be an inspiration of mine.

I also feel this could be a great addition to artists/designers/photographers’ website as a way to share their work, an alternative to Instagram potentially (but not as literally as Pixelfed does though).

The closest I’ve seen here regarding this is the webmention module (thread) by @gRegor.

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Have the federated protocols finally stabilized with a clear front-running winner? For a time there were competing protocols that various community software products were using, claiming their option(s) were better suited for various scenarios. One particular complaint over ActivityPub was server cost related to the bandwidth use of the protocol. I tried to quickly find a singular article that discussed the competing protocols but unfortunately was unable. I think the best source I found was a hackernews discussion thread, and/or Reddit, but Google's results was full of various Reddit discussions, none of which were what I had read in the past. (Seems newer conversations are comparing Mastodon, specifically, against ActivityPub.)

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