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[SOLVED] How to allow only superuser access to a programmatically field?


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Hello! How can I set access to superuser only to a field that is created programmatically and doesn't belong to any template?

Here is the code of the field that is part of a process module where that field is accessed by a custom page under setup:

$field = $modules->get('InputfieldText');
$field->attr('name', 'myfield');
$field->label = $this->_('My Field');
$field->attr('value', $this->myfield);


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11 minutes ago, bernhard said:
if(wire()->user->isSuperuser()) {
	// your code


Unfortunately that way if a site editor edit the custom page and the superuser never edited it before, the default field value from construct method will not get saved. Feel free to check my process module code here.

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  • PWaddict changed the title to [SOLVED] How to allow only superuser access to a programmatically field?

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