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Shared hosting recommendations US location preferred.


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Hello guys, I'm rebuilding site with PW for an old client, and he asked about hosting change. Currently he is using Bluehost, but had some problems with them and looking for a switch. Since most of his clients comes from states, he think about hosting located directly in US. The site is quite small with low traffic. Any recommendations of a good shared hosts with good price/quality ratio? Thanks in advance!

Edited by 7Studio
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I’ve been very happy with Vultr over the past couple of years. I host several low-traffic PW sites (1.2M total requests/month) on one of their lowest-tier “high performance” machines for $6/month and they are quite reliable and extremely fast for this use. Though they suggest a 4GB machine for production, I find the 1GB is absolutely sufficient for ProcessWire.

On the other hand, it’s important not to try to save the extra $1/month and go with the corresponding “regular performance” machine: performance does indeed take a fairly dramatic hit.

I’ve found the Vultr servers to be much more responsive than Digital Ocean or Linode (or the venerable Pair Networks); I haven’t compared any others.

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@ErikMH Thanks a lot! I haven't heard about Vultr before. I will take a closer look ? I agree about RAM, from my experience software (like litespeeed), disks - nvme ssd (especially for the database) are making a big difference. RAM and fast CPU plays a big role when traffic goes up. Thank once again! Maybe someone else will share experience with other hosts ?

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