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RockPdf - pdf filename format and option to sign documents


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I am sorry I did not have time sooner.
Regarding my questions in pub I created topic for them here.

So first was about pdf filename format.
I have in ready.php this:

// add hook after page has been saved -  pdf pro ks
$wire->addHookAfter("Pages::saved(template=ks-import-hlavicka)", function ($event) {
    $page = $event->arguments(0);
    /** @var RockPdf $pdf */
    $pdf = $event->wire->modules->get('RockPdf');
        ->load("/site/templates/ks-tisk.php", [
        // make saved page available as $page
        // in the loaded document file
        'page' => $page,
        page: $page,
        field: 'pdf',
        filename: $page->name,
        append: false,

$page->name is for example nz-0556-24 and when I look for file in page editor it shows this:

It is filename with "." at the end.
When I click on it and save it I have file named "nz-0556-24_.pdf"
Is possible to eliminate that "." and "_" ????

Next question was just how to integrate some secure form of electronic sign of PDF documents.
I could include image with sign but there could be nice to have some option to include digital signatures and certificates same way as is possible to normal PDF documents.
I searched for mPDF about it but there is no option there.
There is info that mPDF is not supporting it on github : https://github.com/mpdf/mpdf/issues/184

So for me it would be nice to have it in RockPdf but it is not crucible now.

Just let me know what could be done with that filename...

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