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Find a page(s) by pagefile uploadName

Gideon So

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@Gideon So I did a test and it works on my side with multiple files, but there's something strange, the first uploaded file always has empty filedata. If I delete all files and upload again it's the same. ? That looks like a bug.


Another way would be a hook to set filename into description field.

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If I got it right, you are looking for pages having a (page)file (in field "file_field") named like something?
Do you mean something like this...?

$fieldname = 'file'; // or 'file_field' for your case...?
$search = 'partofthename';

// V1 via api...
$pgs = $pages->find("{$fieldname}%={$search}");
foreach ($pgs as $p) {
    echo "{$p->id} {$p->title}<br>\n";

// V2 via database and api...
$pgids = array_column(
    $this->database->query("select `pages_id` from `field_{$fieldname}` where `data` like '%" . addslashes($search) . "%'")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ),
$pgs = $pages->find("id=" . ($pgids ? implode("|", $pgids) : "0"));
foreach ($pgs as $p) {
    echo "{$p->id} {$p->title}<br>\n";


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