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Use properly "ProcessPageView::pageNotFound" hook ?


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I would like to create a 404 page tracking. Then I hooked ProcessPageView::pageNotFound.

But If another plugin like Jumplinks for example redirect to another page, I don't want to track it any more like a 404 page...

I don't see which hook can I use to be sure to have a real 404 page.

Thanks for your help

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What if you just add some code at the bottom of _main.php and check for the page id there?

if($page->id === 27) $site->track404();

If Jumplinks kicks in, that should happen earlier I guess, so it should only track real 404 impressions?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok then maybe Jumplinks hooks after pageview and so that track404 is called nonetheless. You could also hook after pageview and make sure that your hook has a very low priority to make sure it fires at the very end (after all other modules that might have hooks attached).

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