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'Unrecognised path' Error at admin login and page deletion


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Hi folks,

PW 3.0.210
PHP 7.4.33
DB MariaDB

I know others have had similar issues with this error displaying and I have worked through all proposed solutions (I think....).

Here's the issue, on admin login I see this error:

Looking at the network tab of browser tools I only see 2 files which are not status 200 when login has completed:


I also see the issue when trying to delete pages either via the Lister (Find) or in the page specific admin (example here from Lister after the 'Trash' button is clicked in Pages > Find - note I do not have ListerPro installed). Thsi means I can no longer delete pages in admin!


There are no errors in console and no errors in PW logs or the hosting's PHP log file. 

Finally, deleting pages via the API completes with no issues or errors.

To try and diagnose the situation further I have also:
1) Installed a brand new version of the whole 'wire' folder
2) Brought in a known-working, version correct, version of the .htaccess file with only the no.9 'https' directive active.
3) Checked there is a valid 'Profile' page under Admin in the page tree and that page has the correct 'ProcessProfile'

Would any of you super people out there have any other ideas I could try to correct this?

Thanks in advance!

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@prestoav Is it possible you've turned off URL segments for your admin template? 

That error comes from /wire/core/ProcessController.php (here) when it can't match up the current URL segment to a method in the Process module. It would be worth looking at the Network tab in your browser to see what the full URL is when it's failing. 

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20 hours ago, ryan said:

@prestoav Is it possible you've turned off URL segments for your admin template? 

That error comes from /wire/core/ProcessController.php (here) when it can't match up the current URL segment to a method in the Process module. It would be worth looking at the Network tab in your browser to see what the full URL is when it's failing. 

Thanks for your help @ryan.

I checked the admin template and segments were not allowed (I assume this is the default as I didn't even know this section of admin existed)! I also checked my MAMP copy of eth site and that does not have segments allowed either and that's working fine.

I've allowed segments on the live site (the one with the issue, see config image below) but the problem remains:


I did look at the browser Network tab and only two redirects were noted (see original post).

Looking further at where the issue happens, when I login to the MAMP site (that works) the page you get to is '/admin/page/?login=1'. However, on the version of the site that is live the login process directs you to '/admin/template' which, I'm guessing is where the issue is?

Another thing I've noticed with further investigation is that, if I switch to the Reno or Default themes the 'Pages' menu is completely missing. It's there in UiKit but not in the others. Again, checking my local copy of the site, the Pages menu is present in all themes?

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