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How to create an unsafe and irresponsible tinyMCE field?


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I've just start learning  the use of  tinyMCE in processwire and, therefore, I should postpone my question. But, sorry, I got a bit nervous.

I need a field that allows total or almost total pasting, that maintains styles, without eliminating <td>s because they are empty, that allows injecting div.whatever-class (only injects paragraphs), in short, a sloppy and irresponsible tinyMCE field. Other text fields will be more cautious. Ryan starts (and very well) by the cautious side... Can anyone give me a clue?

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xss_sanitization option as of v 6.4 can be turned off via configuration:

This turns off DOMPurify.


A not so nuclear option might be to define a very limited content filtering option by setting very liberal/empty invalid styles:


Finally, you can extend_valid_elements if you want to additively include lots of formats you don't want to get stripped out. This preserves the rules set for valid_elements (including the default rules) and throws a layer on top of that.

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