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The correct way to use "pages"


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I've been using  PW for a few days, read a lot of forum posts, tried the tutorials and watched a few of Ryan's videos on Youtube.

After using a traditional CMS for several years, I'm still struggling with some of the basics of PW. I'm building a site for a client, I think PW is the perfect solution for it but I want to make sure I build it the right way from the beginning so that I don't have a sudden "eureka" moment in a week or two and realise I should have built it differently.

The site is basically a directory of files (mostly PDF and Word Documents stored locally) and links to external websites. There's not going to be a huge amount of files or external sites (probably less than 30 of each). Each of these files and links will be categories and appear in a "resources" section of the site. One main feature of the site is that users will need to keep track of which files and external links they have visited and which they have not. 

For this reason (and a few others), I'm thinking that I will give each file and each external website it's own PW page, which would mean the sitemap would look something like this:

 - Section 1
 - Section 2
 - Section 3
 - Section 4
 - Resources
   - Local Files
     - Page for file 1
     - Page for file 2
     - etc...
   - External Sites   
     - Page for external site 1
     - Page for external site 2
     - etc...
Is this a sensible way to use pages or would it be better to approach this a different way?
Thanks for any advice.
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Although you might not want to, all the local files could go on one PW page, as could all the external links. The 'file' fieldtype can hold an arbitrary number of files, and you could use a repeater to hold a similar number of urls. 

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I think that this structure is good. Keeping one file per page will allow you to keep as many info as you want about each file and easily scale to have even more info in the future if you need.

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