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Mad blog profile


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So why am I posting a profile in the pub?

Well, it is currently so drunken that this is where is belongs. Also, it is a long way off being finished....


The Bootwire Blog (of course) is a bootstrap / processwire blog profile that I have started from scratch, more as a learning exersise as anything.

And it has certainly given Soma a good work out so far!

It is sort of gone a bit beyond a blog, to be honest, and is rapidly turning into a magazine site. It has some interesting features:

  • Categories
  • Topics
  • Tags
  • Post types
  • Authors
  • Choose side bar items globally, or for all category pages, or for all topic pages
  • Choose side bar items (widgets) for any single post
  • Choose themes for posts
  • Posts can have simple galleries added
  • Choose themes for the site (very limited themes to be honest)
  • Centrally control things like headers/footers, number of recent posts to list, lost of other things
  • Posts can be featured on the front page and/or on their own category.

Lots of other things.

My basic premise that I started from is:

1. Everything is a post
2. Every post belongs to one category
3. Every post can belong to multiple topics
4. Every post can have multiple tags
5. Posts types are based on different templates
6. Themes can be applied to any template
7. Post are also listed by template type.
Post types will include:
  • Standard Blog
  • Video Blog
  • Reviews
  • Recipes
  • Photo Blog

and so on.

The way the categorisation works is quite complicated. But dont worry - here is a huge piece about it!

The blog uses five sets of criteria to organise information:

  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Topics
  • Post Types
  • Authors

These are the most obvious form of organisation as they make up the main menu hierarchy.

On this particular "hover" menu, all categories can accept posts. However, the click-to-open menu version cannot have posts associated with the top level since the top levels will no longer link anywhere. Consequently, it is difficult to switch from one version of the site to another without causing a lot of headaches!

Generally it is best to organise the categories into obvious trees: Politics, Sport, Media and so on. Each category can have more than one child creating multiple branches from one top level category. However, making this too complicated or the categories too many layered could be problematical. (note, if this is for touch devises such as phones, too many levels will make it frustrating to navigate.


Tags are very much what you would expect - single keywords or short phrases that can be associated with posts on a many-to-many basis. Clicking on a keyword creates a seach of keywords on the database..

There is no limit to the amount of keywords that can be created, but it makes sense to re-use keywords as much as possible!


This is a departure from the normal way a blog or news site works. Topics are broad subject areas that might be related to one particular category, but can be used by any post in any category.

For instance, a topic might be created that explores the politics surrounding what we eat. That topic would be of possible use in both the Politics category and the Food category, depending on the post.

Topics are far more detailed than tags, but they are limited in number. Unlike tags, they cannot be created on the fly, but are created centrally by the site editors to reflect the nature of the site.

A post can be associated with more than one topic, though this may be unusual.

Topics will often have long titles and could have long descriptions. A post can optionally display the full topic details in the side bar.

Post Type

Posts are separated into templates. The most common template is the standard blog which is similar to a Blogger or Wordpress blog. 

However, further templates are available for perhaps a photo blog featuring a single blog, a full blown gallery blog, a video blog, a review blog, a recipe blog and so on.

These Post Types have different layouts and fields that suit their particular subject matter and bring the subject of the post to the forefront.

Posts can be sorted by post type.


Obviously, posts have authors. And posts can also be sorted by their author!


Well, that is about it at the moment. I have got as far as getting the standard posts, the categories  the widget system and the tag system working together with search.

I am starting on topics (which I need to think carefully about - not from the tech view, but from the librarian point of view) and will then wonder onto comments.

I am going to try and put both the normal system of comments on, but allow for disqus to be used instead.

It currently looks like the following (sorry, it hasn't got enough posts in yet, so it is full of holes!)

More to come over the next week or so.



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