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BUG? PWlink resolves to wrong link


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I have a multilanguage site, and when I create a link in a rich-text multi-lang field with PWlink CKEditor plugin (not yet TinyMCE) it converts it to an "/admin/setup/languages/it/" URL after save instead of the original URL I set - like "/it/" (non-default language version of homepage). It looks like the PWlink is looking for the page name ("it") and finds it in the admin part of page tree and skips the homepage. Everything else with languages is working fine.

Is it a bug? Was happening in PW 3.0.184, updated to 3.0.210 but still happening.

Any idea how to fix it would be appreciated! Thanks!

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Thanks @wbmnfktr for a reply.

There are no Textformatters enabled on this field.

We are using a lot of modules, but to my understanding none of them should be interferring with URLs. Maybe PagePathHistory, but there are no URLs configured to redirect to the language setup page and it seems this module is working fine with what it does.

The field configuration is nothing far away from a default setup, just some TinyMCE buttons and plugins are disabled.

Probably I should try looking into TracyDebugger hook debugging output, in hopes to see who is performing the URL change?

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On 4/17/2023 at 8:34 AM, donatas said:

just some TinyMCE

Where does TinyMCE come from this time? You said before you are still using (which is fine) CKEditor. However.

PagePathHistory is one option, yet it should be a problem here. You would know about it in the settings tab. I can't really tell where to look now without knowing or seeing anything of the setup or code.

My next steps would be exporting a site profile and creating a totally new instance. Maybe even on another setup. Trying Duplicator and do the same.

I faced a ton of weird issues in the past and in 95% of the time it was either my fault or a weird setup/hosting issue.

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