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Upload File Size Limit Issue


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I have been using Processwire for many years to host our corporate website but have been unable to solve a file upload size issue. Small files have no issues but any larger file size of around 75MB and larger fail to upload to any page. The Processwire site just spins and never completes. I have confirmed (via FTP) that the files actually do upload with a wrong date of 1969-12-31 but due to processwire never completing the upload you can't save the page. 

I have checked with the hosting provider (GoDaddy) and found that my site is hosted on a shared Linux server and all of the settings in the Cpanel should be correct and the PHP 8.1 settings have all be maxed out. 

Any ideas would be appreciated as I have no idea how to fix this issue. 

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7 hours ago, sharvey2023 said:

and all of the settings in the Cpanel should be correct and the PHP 8.1 settings have all be maxed out. 

Did you increase the PHP settings post_max_size and upload_max_filesize or only one of them?
I think the normal setting is 32MB

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Have you also checked if the configuration of phpinfo() is correctly displayed?

Just check this values:

Is an error displayed in the browser dev tools?
Or also in the Processwire log file?

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Maybe you could see if the control panel also displays the output of php.ini somewhere, and see if it matches those values. You could also create a php.ini file, and see if those values match. I might also try uploading files of various sizes around 75mb, have the browser inspector open to see if there's any indication of when it fails, and time the failure point to see if it's something like 30s, or perhaps a multiple of 5 or 7.5 in case it's related to CPU time and the server has a multicore CPU.

I have a similar issue when creating variations - I get the endless spinner if the creation takes longer than 15s on a dual core server.

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