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PW 3.0.210 – New main/master version


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140 commits, 55 resolved issues, dozens of new features, eight contributors, and five new pull requests make yet another great new version of ProcessWire. This week I’m happy to announce another new main/master branch version of ProcessWire, version 3.0.210. Like most main release versions, there is a lot here. This post covers some of the most notable additions and improvements— 


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Just upgraded from 3.0.165 and the process went very smoothly as always. Only odd thing is a notice when I run Modules > Refresh:


Found 2 module(s) missing file:
InputfieldTinyMCE => /path-to-pw/site/modules/InputfieldTinyMCE/InputfieldTinyMCE.module
JqueryFancybox => /path-to-pw/site/modules/JqueryFancybox/JqueryFancybox.module

I don't think I've had InputfieldTinyMCE installed before unless it was from an early 2.x version (site's been on PW since ~2014). I don't recognize JqueryFancybox.

Doesn't seem to be causing any problems, but is there something else I need to update?

Edit: I checked in db table `modules` and do have entries for InputfieldTinyMCE and JqueryFancybox, no date in the created column (0000-00-00 00:00:00), so I'm guessing these are quite old? I know the site hasn't had those folders in /modules over the last several years at least. Is it safe to just remove those entries from the modules table? 

Edited by gRegor
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