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How to hook after field configuration is saved [SOLVED]


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Hello @all

I have searched the forum and studied the PHP class files, but I cannot find a way to achieve the following one:

I want to run a Hook after the pass field (a system field) is saved. It should also work with other inputfields, but in my case I need to run it especially on the pass field.

To clearify: I want to run the Hook if the "Edit field: pass" page is saved. I have tried the following inside the init() function of my module:


$this->addHookAfter('Fields::save', $this, 'updateBlacklist');

The appropriate method:

protected function updateBlacklist(HookEvent $event): void
        $field = $field->object;
        if ($field->name == 'pass') {

But it does not work.

As mentioned by @LostKobrakai at this topic, " Field::save is called when a fieldsettings should be saved", but it seems that nothing happens.

Could anyone point me into the right direction?


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45 minutes ago, Juergen said:
$this->addHookAfter('Fields::save', $this, 'updateBlacklist');

Note that you’re hooking the save() method of “Fields” object.

45 minutes ago, Juergen said:
$field = $field->object;

This line makes no sense. I assume you mean “$event->object”, but because you’re hooking a method of the Fields class, I would imagine that will give you the same as wire()->fields(), not the field that was saved. The saved field is the first and only argument of the save() method, so I expect this should work:

$field = $event->arguments(0);



Apparently, towards the end, Fields::save() also calls Fieldtype::savedField() , so you may want to hook that instead:

$this->addHookAfter('FieldtypePassword::savedField', $this, 'updateBlacklist');
protected function updateBlacklist(HookEvent $event): void
    $field = $events->arguments(0);
    if ($field->name == 'pass') {


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Thanks @Jan Romero

What a silly mistake!!! ??You are right:

1 hour ago, Jan Romero said:

I assume you mean “$event->object”,

Sure, that was the mistake. I know that it must be $event and not $field, but I have overlooked this silly mistake over and over and I was wondering why it did not work. I have tried it with $event->object and $event->arguments(0)....

BTW: Now both Hooks work with $event->arguments(0)!!

Thanks for your help!!!

Thanks for helping me

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  • Juergen changed the title to How to hook after field configuration is saved [SOLVED]

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