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Modified time takes server timezone, even though I've set my local timezone


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Perhaps I've done this wrong, but modified times across the board are always an hour ahead because my server is set to UTC-5 but I'm in the UTC-6 timezone.

I have set the timezone to America/Chicago in the site config. All clocks and set to NTP sync, but I still get warnings that someone started editing a page 60 minutes from now.

Any other thoughts on what I may need to check?

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It looks like this may be connected to a glitch in calculations for timestamps that account for daylight savings time.

It looks like if you are in a timezone with daylight savings the UTC timestamp is advanced 60 minutes before it gets saved in the field. I have created an issue for it in github.

Just explain further for the curious, I have a template with the following code:

<p>Now: <?=( time() )?> Edited: <?=( $page->modified )?></p>

And when I edit the page and save it, the output I get is this:


CST (Central Standard Time) is -0600, but CDT (which we're currently in) is -0500 and if I expand the formatting to include the timezone name it is CDT - so the timezone is correct, it's just the extra calculation of the timestamp that is unnecessary - the field should preserve the timestamp as-is and let the session timezone dictate the offset.

The time in the example should be 12:16:14 PM.

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