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set() on on inputfieldSelectMultiple doesn't remove unchecked options


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I'm trying to build a frontend form using on of my Page fields, but since I don't always want to offer every option of the page field, I tried rebuilding it. So instead of simply doing:


I used this:

$field = $modules->get('InputfieldCheckboxes');
$field->attr('name', 'options');
$field->attr('id', 'Inputfield_options');
foreach($options as $ci) {
	$checked = array();
	if($edit->options->has($ci)) $checked['checked']='checked';

(Where $edit is the page that's being edited, 'options' is an actual field in $edit's template and $options is a page array with some or all of the options in 'options')

Now this works fine, but when I save the form

foreach($edit->fields as $f) {
           $edit->set($f->name, $form->get($f->name)->value);

'options' are correctly added when checked, but never removed when unchecked. I compared the form and the post data to when I simply use the 'options' field and I can't find any differences. I can loop over the options field and remove them manually but I just don't understand why it works with the stock field but doesn't when I rebuild it.

Can anyone shed some light?



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A better approach is to add all your options in your foreach with $field->addOption($key, $value). But don't set any "checked" attributes. After that foreach, set the 'value' attribute: $field->attr('value', array or PageArray). 

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