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How to populate new templates with data from CSV spreadsheet/JSON??


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Dear all, 

I haven't been able to find an answer to this specific question – my apologies if it has been already answered.

I'm working on a website, with many subpages using the same template (let's say "blog-template"), with fields (title, subtitle, location, price, link, textarea, photos). The data for each subpage is being collected via an online form (JotForm), and each respondent's row corresponds one subpage. 

It's around 50 rows –  creating a new instance of a template, and manual data-entry, will take a very long time – so I wonder if there is a way to automate this process, and convert the (properly formatted if needed) spreadsheet, into a series of ProcessWire pages, all children of the same parent page?

thank you for the support!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much for all the replies everyone! Another issue that I've encountered is the fact, that I would need to add things in a nested way. E.g. 

  • Page 1 (template: page-store)
    • Page A (template: detail-product)
    • Page B (template: detail-product)
  • Page 2 (template: page-store)
    • Page C (template: detail-product)
    • Page D (template: detail-product)

and so forth... for a total of 50 Parent pages, with 1-3 children!

Does anyone know how this parent-child solution could be implemented, and how to create such a nested structure. It's really important for my project that the user can access the subpages via '/page-1/page-a' for example.

Thank you for all the help so far!


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