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[solved] saveReady Hook and setLanguageValue for none-default languages


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I use a saveReady Hook and want to set values of the name field according to values from other fields. But only the name field of the default language is updated, regardless of the language the user is in. When saving via API scripts, the result is the same as when saving interactive via page editor. My code is as follows:

$this->pages->addHookAfter('saveReady', function($event) {

    $p = $event->arguments[0];
    $lang_DE = $event->wire->languages->get(1016);
    $lang_EN = $event->wire->languages->get(1018);
	$newName_DE = 'ein-generischer-neuer-name';
	$newName_EN = 'a-genric-new-name';

    $p->setLanguageValue($lang_DE, 'name', $newName_DE);
    $p->setLanguageValue($lang_EN, 'name', $newName_EN);


How can I set (andSave) the other language name too in a saveReady Hook? Or do I need to use another hook for that?


EDIT: The above code works as expected. It was interfering with special scripts / hooks on my development site.  ?


Edited by horst
solved !
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