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Installing (sub)module ends up with memory allocation

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So I've been working on this module https://github.com/maxa11an/processwire-body-builder but then I decided to split it up into multiple files for better overlooking of the module it self. 

But when I try to install either MarkupBodyBuilder or ProcessBodyBuilder I end up with Allowed memory size of 2147483648 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in .../wire/core/Modules.php on line 2480

Afaik I don't need a className-method, but then I studied through all docs regarding module-dev and also went through a lot of integrated modules, but no luck there. So I was hoping on some advise of what I've missed or things to think about? 


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@Max Allan Niklasson,

Welcome to the forums.

I just had a quick look but you are basically caught in an infinite loop with all those includes.

You have this:

In MarkupBodyBuilder.module


    public function init()
        include_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
        include_once __DIR__ . "/BodyBuilder.module";// <==== THIS
        $this->addHookAfter("Fields::save", $this, 'hookWhenFieldSaved');
        $this->addHookAfter("Field::getInputfield", $this, 'hookHideTitle');
        $this->addHookAfter('Page::renderField', $this, 'hookRenderField');

        $this->twig = new Environment(new ArrayLoader(), [
            'autoescape' => false,
            'debug' => $this->config->debug
        $this->twig->addExtension(new DebugExtension());
        return parent::init();

In ProcessBodyBuilder.module



  public function init()
        include_once __DIR__ . "/BodyBuilder.module";// <==== THIS

        $process = $this->wire('process');
        if ("$process" === "$this") {
        return parent::init();

In BodyBuilder.module


namespace ProcessWire;

use Exception;

include_once "MarkupBodyBuilder.module";// <== THIS
include_once "ProcessBodyBuilder.module";// <== THIS

That is not how you reference other installed modules in ProcessWire;

Call them like this where you need them:


// inside a class
$bodyBuilder = $this->wire('modules')->get('BodyBuilder');
// outside a class
// $bodyBuilder = $modules->get('BodyBuilder');
// outside a class but inside a function
// $bodyBuilder = wire('modules')->get('BodyBuilder');

More info


Edited by kongondo
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