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[SOLVED] What does this mean - Uncaught Error: Call to a member function isLoggedin() ?


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Another very dumb basic question; what could this error mean?


Fatal Error:     Uncaught Error: Call to a member function isLoggedin() on string in ... 

Followed by a whole bunch of file addresses. Can someone translate this error; what should I check?

I am troubleshooting a custom login/register system. I get this error when I enter gibberish in the username login field to produce a nice 'wrong username or password' message. A 'forgot password' form on the same page, not displayed while logging in, gets the 500 Internal Server Error. 

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Basically, you are doing something like this:

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

// BUT the value of $someVariable is a string, e.g. "some_string"
// IT NEEDS to be an object of type User

Hence, you get an error since a string cannot have properties or methods (functions). It would have been better to see your code ( your custom login/register system. ) but even without that, what you need to do is to check if $someVariable is an object of type User before calling isLoggedin() on it. 

Edited by kongondo
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