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Search selectors and empty repetear fields


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There is something about a search form that I'm unable to solve. 

My search form has a text input that searches through fields of a specific template:

// keyword input
if(isset($input->get->q)) {
  $keyword = $sanitizer->text($input->get('q'));
  $selector .= "title|Abbreviazione|Sottotitolo|Titolo_Testo.Titolo|Titolo_Testo.Testo~%=$keyword, ";
  $input->whitelist("q", $keyword);

In this template, there fields are: title, Abbreviazione and Sottotitolo (text fields) and Titolo_Testo (repeater made of text fields Titolo and Testo).

When I search any word, it returns the matching pages, but when I reset my form to (or search) an empty value, it only finds pages where the repeater Titolo_Testo is set and filled. 

How can I instruct it to search for repeaters only if they are set and get all pages results on an empty value search? 

Or else, is there a way to detect an empty search value as isset still returns true?

I'm using PW 3.0.165.

Thanks a lot!

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