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using global variables in _init.php

Roberts R

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Hello. I'm having little trouble with setup.

Having global variable in _init.php and not being able to access it?

$test = "test";

function text() {
	global $test;

	return $test;

and using this function in templates returns null.

What i have to do is create function that I use in templates. This function does some checks based on global value and returns string. Maybe there are other way to implement it?

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You $test variable may have been overwritten somewhere. In general, global variables are considered bad style because of their lack of scoping. For things you need to access from multiple places, I would either use the $config object or the setting() function:

$config->myCutomSetting = 'test';
setting('my-custom-setting', 'test');

// use from anywhere, even within functions
echo wire('config')->myCustomSetting; // 'test'
echo setting('my-custom-setting'); // 'test'

Note that the setting() function requires $config->useFunctionsAPI = true

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3 hours ago, MoritzLost said:

You $test variable may have be overwritten somewhere

Its not or I'm not aware of how that would happen for tests I did before posting.

3 hours ago, MoritzLost said:

bad style because of their lack of scoping.

 I'm always up for learning

3 hours ago, MoritzLost said:

$config->myCutomSetting = 'test';

Does the trick.  It seems that defining variables this way should be done in config.php file.

Either way thanks for help. ?


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Do not use global unless you really know what you are doing. Read this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16959576/reference-what-is-variable-scope-which-variables-are-accessible-from-where-and

$this->wire() is another option to assign global vars, especially for more complex stuff ... like class instances.

     * Get an API variable, create an API variable, or inject dependencies.
     * @param string|object $name Name of API variable to retrieve, set, or omit to retrieve the master ProcessWire object.
     * @param null|mixed $value Value to set if using this as a setter, otherwise omit.
     * @param bool $lock When using as a setter, specify true if you want to lock the value from future changes (default=false).
     * @return object|string|mixed
     * @throws WireException
    public function wire($name = '', $value = null, $lock = false) {}


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