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To display a repeater item based on ID


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I would like to display all repeater items in a listing page and would like to navigate to the corresponding detail page page based on the selected repeater item

I am passing the id of  repeater_item like '?id=<?php echo $Admission_Alert->id?>' from the listing page.

Then I am fetching the details as below. But this is not working. Please suggest.

if (isset($_GET["id"]) and $_GET["id"]!="") $id=$_GET["id"];

$alertspage=$pages->get(id); //var_dump($alertspage) is working

echo $alertspage->title //This is not working



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10 hours ago, SIERRA said:

$alertspage=$pages->get(id); //var_dump($alertspage) is working

Think the issue may be in this line - no $ in front of id. Try:


if (!empty($input->get->id) // PW way of accessing $_GET
	$id = $sanitizer->int($input->get->id); // Clean it up to ensure it's an integer
$alertspage = $pages->get($id); // You can also do $pages->get("id=$id")
if (!$alertspage instance of NullPage) { // ensure the page exists
	echo $alertspage->title;
} else {
	echo "There was a problem retrieving the page with ID $id";


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Thanks @SIERRA

Oops! Just re-read my code and noticed a mistake. Should be:


if (!empty($input->get->id) { // PW way of accessing $_GET
	$id = $sanitizer->int($input->get->id); // Clean it up to ensure it's an integer
	$alertspage = $pages->get($id); // You can also do $pages->get("id=$id")
	if (!$alertspage instance of NullPage) { // ensure the page exists
		echo $alertspage->title;
	} else {
	echo "There was a problem retrieving the page with ID $id";

Missed the curly braces surrounding the first and last lines 

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