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Change order of Wire/PageArray based on a pageField


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Is it possible to sort a Wire/PageArray (I'm using the RepeaterMatrix) by a field's value? The order is defined by the order in the CMS but if I wanted to change that order, on the front-end, to follow a pageField selection is this possible?

Each row has a pageField that allows the client to select a number of categories that defines that row's content. If the client selects 'Digital' for a row then is there a way, on the front end, to put all the rows with that category first (thus breaking the order)? I would then use a get request (?f=digital) to define when the order should change, but I'm just wondering if the sorting order change is possible.

I could probably loop through the rows and remove/append but wondered if this was possible within a selector?

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I ended up with...

$modules = $page->modulesA;

if ($input->get('f')) {
    $moduleFilter = $input->get('f');
    $modulesWithFilter = $modules->find("projectsCategories.name={$moduleFilter}");
    $modulesWithoutFilter = $modules->removeItems($modulesWithFilter);
    $modules = $modulesWithFilter->add($modulesWithoutFilter);


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