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Using hook to change page->field in front-end edit


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Any advice on how to hook page, so its fields get populated by something else than the actual saved content?

The below works fine for frontend (it's in ready.php), but has no effect in front-end editing or backend, and that is the problem here.

$this->addHookBefore('Page::render', function($event) {
  $page = $event->object;
  $page->exampleField = '123';

The information doesn't need to be saved into PW itself. It's been fetched and then on save, delivered to another database.

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            // for editing
            $this->addHookBefore('ProcessPageEdit::execute', function($e) { /* ... */ });

            // if page template = user
            $this->addHookBefore('ProcessProfile::execute', function($e) { /* ... */ });


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  • 3 weeks later...
// example 1: modify page title (runtime) for a specific template in Page Edit Interface
$this->addHookBefore('ProcessPageEdit::execute', function($e) {
	$id = wire('input')->get->id;
	if (!$id) return;
	$page = wire('pages')->get($id);
	if ($page->template != 'specific') return;
	$page->title = "I am a runtime title for pages using template 'specific'";

// example 2: modify fields in Profile
$this->addHookBefore('ProcessProfile::execute', function($e) {

	// not for superuser
	if (wire('user')->isSuperuser()) return;

	// the user should check 2 checkboxes in its profile
	// after checking and saving the related checkbox disappears
	// if both are checked a markup field 'info' is shown

	$profileFields = $e->object->profileFields;
	if (wire('user')->checkbox && wire('user')->checkbox_2) $profileFields[] = 'info';
	else {
		if (wire('user')->checkbox != 1) $profileFields[] = 'checkbox';
		if (wire('user')->checkbox_2 != 1) $profileFields[] = 'checkbox_2';

	// update profile fields
	$e->object->profileFields = array_unique($profileFields);


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