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Fatal Error n00b


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First time using processwire, I've installed WireManga and WireMangaTheme, I am not asking from you to fix my errors, I just don't know if the problem is my install or the manga modules, am I wasting my time trying to make this work without programming knowledge?

Fatal Error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function ProcessWire\WireManga::chaptersList(), 1 passed in C:\xampp\htdocs\processwire\site\modules\WireMangaTheme\WireMangaTheme.module on line 76 and exactly 3 expected in C:\xampp\htdocs\processwire\site\modules\WireManga\WireManga.module:63
Stack trace:

#0 C:\xampp\htdocs\processwire\site\modules\WireMangaTheme\WireMangaTheme.module(76): ProcessWire\WireManga->chaptersList(Object(ProcessWire\Page))
#1 C:\xampp\htdocs\processwire\site\templates\wm_manga_single.php(24): ProcessWire\WireMangaTheme->chapterListMarkup(Object(ProcessWire\Page))
#2 C:\xampp\htdocs\processwire\wire\core\WireCache.php(348): ProcessWire\TemplateFile->ProcessWire\{closure}()
#3 C:\xampp\htdocs\processwire\wire\core\WireCache.php(307): ProcessWire\WireCache->renderCacheValue('chapters:1025', '2010-04-08 03:1...', Object(Closure))
#4 C:\xampp\htdocs\processwire\site\templates\wm_manga_single.php(25): ProcessWire\WireCache->get('chapters:1025', '2010-04-08 03:1...', Object(Closure))
#5 (line 63 of C:\xampp\htdocs\processwire\site\modules\WireManga\WireManga.module)

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I am looking at the Github https://github.com/Mangavj/WireMangaTheme/blob/master/WireMangaTheme.module and I see only 1 argument but another module here https://github.com/oliuz/WireManga/blob/master/WireManga.module accepts 3 arguments so it seems there is a mix up, anyway I can hit you up so I can look at the source code. but yeah a form of programming knowledge is required.  

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Thank you Sephiroth, from lack of ideas I also installed this online and it seems it's working pretty much as it should, the reader is doubled on page but that must be from the module, I'll go and ask the dev. So the problem was my xampp settings I guess.

Thank you again.



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Not sure I'd honestly recommend using a theme that hasn't been updated in 3 years. Unfortunately, as great as PW is, it's theme-ing system is not just a styling skin and I think this limitation makes it unwise to use non-core themes unless you are willing to miss out on new functionality.

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4 minutes ago, kinderheim511 said:

I need a manga reader and this is the only one I've found working.

Sorry, I see now that it's not actually a PW theme (admin theme), but rather it's a module for extending PW. 


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15 hours ago, kinderheim511 said:

I need a manga reader and this is the only one I've found working.

Side comment: Huge Manga / Anime fan here

Main Comment: You can get a template that has the similar view and plugin in Processwire easily to do that, however do you have this online or somewhere, I don't mind looking at this if you need a third eye , just give a shout-out if things get out of hand. I tend to peek at codes alot and make sense of them especially Processwire. 



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