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Solved: Backend: run javascript after adding new repeater item


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is there a way to run a javascript function after add a new repeater item? I want to register an event handler on a page reference field inside the repeater item.  I have inserted a custom javascript file with a runtimemarkup field.

Thank you for any suggestions!


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2 hours ago, SebastianP said:

I want to register an event handler on a page reference field inside the repeater item.

Is the event handler specific to the page reference field inside only new repeater items, or should it handle events of the page reference field inside all repeater items?

Because if it's the latter you probably don't need to do anything in particular when a new repeater item is added - rather you can attach the handler to "document" and then use a selector to filter descendants. So supposing your handler is for the "change" event of selects named "foo" inside repeater items...

$(document).on('change', 'select[name^=foo_repeater]', function() {
	console.log('repeater select changed');

Edit: and if only inside new repeater items then this seems to do the job:

$(document).on('change', '.InputfieldRepeaterItemRequested select[name^=foo_repeater]', function() {
	console.log('new repeater item select changed');


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