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Customizing the FieldType textarea description


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Since I'm a big fan on Textile and coming from Textpattern I've been trying to add a little bit of info about Textile next to the Body textarea.

I've found out that creating an own /templates-admin/ can be a solution. I've created a sidebar next to the $content, but it would be nice to have it next to the body field. I only want to show it next to a textarea with the textile formatting enabled. This makes the experience for the client a bit better I think.

I also thought about the description field and some custom CSS, but would it be nice to include some HTML without using markdown (and be limited to href's) and doing some more UI work using jQuery.

Any ideas on how to implement this to make maintenance a bit easier? Do I need to create a module or can anyone point me out to another module which might be of interest to me?


ps: I've attached how Textpattern looks like.

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Making a module derived from the InputfieldTextarea is probably the best bet. Once you've got it in place, you should see any of your textarea fields let you select it as an option (in the same place where it lets you select between Textarea and TinyMCE).

What might be ideal is this: http://markitup.jaysalvat.com/examples/textile/

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