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ProcessWire as GUI for Firebase?


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Friends of mine just showed me their firebase setup. They have collections and documents and so on and they have the problem that they don't have a fool-proof way to manage those collections (user data of their app, like customers, partners etc).

ProcessWire's admin is such a great way to structure such content quickly and easily, so I wonder if anybody of you has ever built something where ProcessWire and Firebase where talking to each other. I think it shouldn't be too hard to build a PW instance that makes it easy to manage firebase data. Only thing I'm wondering is the communication between the two systems. It's an early stage idea so I'd be happy to get some pointers or experiences.

Thx! ? 

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10 hours ago, Markus (Blue Tomato) said:

How would you map the Firebase data? Each collections / document would represent a page in pw? So you would need some kind of sync tasks which are triggerd on save / trash / publish and maybe a full sync job x times.

I don't know yet. I've had a glance at firebase for maybe 3 minutes. From what I've seen documents have several fields just like pw pages have several fields. Only difference is that pw has a defined set of fields (defined in templates) whereas firebase documents can hold any kind of key-value-pairs. That's what makes firebase complicated to use (what they told me - maybe there are already ways to handle this better and they/we just don't know about it yet).

10 hours ago, Markus (Blue Tomato) said:

And what should be the single source of truth? Firebase or ProcessWire?

I guess this would be firebase because they integrate everything with it (mobile app, other services etc). But I thought of even not storing data in PW at all. The more I do in the backend the more I'm using ProcessModules for many things. I think it should be quite easy to write an own process module that just provides an interface for the input (several fields) that sends that data to firebase on submit (via processInput, error handling built in).

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