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How to hook


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here is my attempt in short. I want to hook the submitted form in custom admin module and fire a function if conditional applies.

Problem: I cannot find a working hook to check if a form has been submitted. I would like to fire the addButtonMethod function if the form "form_application" is submitted by the "hook_accept_application" button.

I know it sounds basic, but I have tried all of the following without success. Thanks a lot for the help

public function init() {
  $this->addHookBefore('InputfieldForm::processInput', $this, 'addButtonsMethods');
  $this->addHookBefore('InputfieldWrapper::processInput', $this, 'addButtonsMethods');
  $this->addHookBefore('InputfieldSubmit::processInput', $this, 'addButtonsMethods');

public function ___execute() {
  $modules = $this->wire('modules');
  $form = $this->modules->get("InputfieldForm");
  $form->action = "./";
  $form->method = "post";
  $form->attr("id+name", "form_application");
  $btn_application_create = $this->modules->get("InputfieldSubmit");
  $btn_application_create->attr('id+name', 'hook_accept_application');
  $btn_application_create->value = "Start Student";
  $btn_application_create->addClass("ui-priority-primary button_submit");

  return $form->render();

public function addButtonsMethods($event) {


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Hi @Federico

Why just not check for input post like 

$modules = $this->wire('modules');
  $form = $this->modules->get("InputfieldForm");
  $form->action = "./";
  $form->method = "post";
  $form->attr("id+name", "form_application");
if($this->wire('input')->post->your_submit_button) {
  $btn_application_create = $this->modules->get("InputfieldSubmit");
  $btn_application_create->attr('id+name', 'hook_accept_application');
  $btn_application_create->value = "Start Student";
  $btn_application_create->addClass("ui-priority-primary button_submit");


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Hi @Zeka

In the code above I have the POST input check, as follow:


which works. However, for a more articulated module development I am looking for a hook method to fire a function when the form named "form-application" is submitted. In other words, I am looking to wrap it into a function like the following one. Any idea?

public function addButtonsMethods($event) {


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Ok, then

public function ___execute()
	$out = '';
	$input = $this->wire('input');
	$modules = $this->wire('modules');
	$form = $this->modules->get("InputfieldForm");
	$form->action = "./";
	$form->method = "post";
	$form->attr("id+name", "form_application");
	$btn_application_create = $this->modules->get("InputfieldSubmit");
	$btn_application_create->attr('id+name', 'hook_accept_application');
	$btn_application_create->value = "Start Student";
	$btn_application_create->addClass("ui-priority-primary button_submit");

	if ($input->post->hook_accept_application) {

		if ($form->getErrors()) {
			$out .= $form->render();
		} else {
	} else {
		$out = $form->render();

	return $out;

public function addButtonsMethods($event)


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$wire->addHookAfter("InputfieldForm(name=form-application)::processInput", function($event) {
    $form = $event->object; /** @var InputfieldForm $form */
    if(count($form->getErrors())) return;

    // do your stuff
    $input = $event->arguments(0);

Something like this?

See https://processwire.com/api/ref/inputfield-form/process-input/

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Thanks @Zeka and @bernhard

for some reasons the code posted by Bernard gives an error, even if starts with 


instead of just 


 maybe because the form name declaration in this method (I did not know, can you actually declare the form name in that?)


 Anyway, I have solved this minor issue with the approach as per the Zeka suggestion. Thank you both

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