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I wouldn't do this with repeaters. In this case would make more sense, and be more flexible, if you create them as children of this page. Then you just have to do:

foreach($page->children as $dealer){
   echo "<tr><td>{$dealer->title}</td><td>...</td><td>...</td><td>...</td></tr>"
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Diogo's right this is perfect for child pages, your dealers template will just loop through all of its children and perhaps grandchildren if you want to set it up organized by country. PW is great at this sort of site, as you will see with many of Ryan's own sites

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Assuming I create a child page for each country and then child pages of each country for the individual dealers, do those pages need to be set to hidden in PW and hidden from search engines if they are not used on the front end?

Do they need their own template.php or can I just use 'Create a new template without a file'

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