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Session: Missing required value (language)


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Hello for all,

don't know if this can help to someone, but here is solution for one strange problem (PW 3.096).

1) installation was multilanguage (EN and FR)
2) one langauge was deleted and all works without problems (as a "single-language" website)
3) but then, when my client try to add/create new user this happened:


What was strange, at the bottom of that page was empty Language inputfieldset section ("required")???


I try again to install second language (idea was that maybe new uninstall would help), but it was not possible because "...there are Language..."  (new red messages). After all, I found that in database are still old language tables and rows and after deleting the problem was solved.

Here is the list of tables and records and what I done:

1) delete from table "fields" 3 rows where name: language_files_site, language_files and language
2) delete 3 tables: field_language, field_language_files and field_language_files_site
3) delete from table templates 1 row where name is language

Or all that with this query inside phpMyAdmin:

DELETE FROM `fields` WHERE `name` IN ('language_files_site','language_files','language');
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS field_language, field_language_files, field_language_files_site;
DELETE FROM `templates` WHERE `name`='language';

Please be careful because this is very risky and before anything backup your database.




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