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You don't have access to xxxx page


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Hi. I am signed in as Superuser. I have a very simple template ("List") for an email list, being a title and a page reference field. The page reference field is a multi-select (page list select multiple) for a particular template ("Member"). I can modify the title, no problem, but if I try to add a member I get the message "You don't have access to list page". If I change the field to ASM select, the dropdown is empty. I have removed access control from the List template and and the page reference field, but no joy (and in any case I am superuser). I have another field to link back the other way which works fine. I set this up a while back, and tested it without leaving the fields populated and have just returned to work on it. It also worked well with @Robin S's excellent ConnectFields module. The only relevant thing that I think has been changed in the meantime is that I moved the Member pages under different parents, but the parent was not and is not part of the selection criteria for the page select.

What is going on?

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Update. It allows me access if I set a parent page for the page list select, as well as a template. However, I don't want to do that, as the pages could have different (and not predictable parents). I just want to select on template (or maybe a custom selector). Having selected a parent, I then unselected it and I no longer get the error message, but the template selector is not working - pages with any template appear to be selectable.

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There is a notice Regarding "Page List" input types...


But the "specify only the parent" part of that is contradicted by the requirements for the core "allow new pages to be created from the field" option, so if you want that you would need to specify a template also. The template only relates to the new page that is added - it doesn't restrict the selectable pages for a Page List input type.


If you're committed to the Page List input type and want to try workarounds for restricting the types of pages that can be selected you could look at hiding the "Select" button according to the class of page item in the inputfield. See the thread below for a different context but the same general idea:



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Thanks a lot for that. I see that ASM and auto-complete both work without a parent and with a template. From a practical point of view, given the size of the list, ASM select is not really suitable. Auto-complete looks favourite. Ideally one would be able to use auto-complete but revert to a list select if that yields nothing, but I think that auto-complete with a sufficient number of fields to search in gets me there.

BTW, the initial problem in my OP is still a bit of a mystery. I wonder if there is some sort of bug. Now I have it working (and can see how it is supposed to work), I can see that the problem was caused by an "improperly selected" parent - in other words, there was no selected parent, but the box to select it showed "change" and had a spinning icon whenever the field was opened to edit. Selecting a parent and then unselecting it fixed that problem.

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